Package org.openbandy.event

Interface Summary
EventFilter The EventFilter interface defines the methods a class must implement in order to absorb events of a given type and thus act as a filter.
EventSink The EventSink interface defines the methods a class must implement in order to absorb events of a given type.
EventSourceOwner As an EventSource is a thread, it might re-instantiate itself.

Class Summary
Event This is the representation of an Event.
EventDispatcher The EventDispatcher combines every EventSink that absorbs a certain type of Event.
EventDispatcherThread This class implements a simple thread that dispatches a given Event to all EventSinks.
EventSource An EventSource is a thread that must eventually dispatch an event of the type it provides.
EventSourceBroker The EventSourceBroker holds all references to event sources that are registered at the event service and is thus able to create new instances if necessary.
EventSourceController An instance of the EventSourceController is used to control the life of every event source that provides a certain type of event, i.e.